Click on the course for more information
Click on the course for more information

Beauty and Guilds Accredited.
Get the benefits of in depth, face to face training within a small group.
Having gained many years of experience and perfecting my craft, I am so excited to share my tips, advice, and guidance with you.
By joining my course, you will receive:
2 to 1 training
Live model experience
Post course support and feedback
Case study assessments
A starter kit is also included in the price.
Isolation of eyelashes
Glue application techniques
Aftercare advice
Excellent tips and tricks which usually take years to learn within the industry.
You can also get an exclusive 10% OFF all products for one month only, after completing each course.
There is also a detailed Q&A section with student videos and snippets of what is included. Head over to our Instagram @eyefordetail_x to check it out.
Secure your place NOW with just a £100.00 deposit

Classic Lash Course MUST be completed prior to this training!
Beauty and Guilds Accredited.
Get the benefits of in depth, face to face training within a small group.
Having gained many years of experience and perfecting my craft, I am so excited to share my tips, advice and guidance with you.
By joining my course, you will receive:
2 to 1 training
Live model experience
Post course support and feedback
A starter kit with everything you’ll need.
In addition to a brief overview of everything learned in Classic lashes, in this course, we will also go through weights, two different fanning techniques, styles and layouts.
You can also get an exclusive 10% OFF all products for one month only, after completing each course.
There is also a detailed Q&A section with student videos and snippets of what is included. Head over to our Instagram @eyefordetail_x to check it out.
Secure your place NOW with just a £100.00 deposit